
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Healthy Homemaking Series: Cooking Brown Rice

Baby Step 3: Cooking Brown Rice

Challenge: Learn to make perfect brown rice.

Why: Brown rice is better than white because it...
             -has more nutrients
             -has more fibre
             -keeps blood sugar more stablized
             -is an unprocessed, whole food

How: I already know that I hate brown rice.  I have written about it previously, and you can check out some other still healthy alternatives I've used here - black rice and here - quinoa.  Since this was the challenge though, I knew I had to tough it out and do it.  Stephanie suggested trying basmati brown rice for those who don't like the chewy texture and nutty taste of brown rice, so that's what I did!

Add rice and water (or broth) to a large pot at a 1:2 ratio.

Place on high heat until water comes to a boil.  Put on the lid and turn to medium-low heat.  Allow to simmer for approx 45 minutes.  Ta da!

My finished meal, Curried Cod, Lentils and Rice.  I'll post the recipe at the end of the post for anyone interested.

I really enjoyed it!  I wouldn't love to eat it on its own, but when mixed into a one-dish meal like I made, it was tasty.  Stephanie also writes that the more a person eats brown rice, the more it will grow on them.  I hope that happens quickly and am happy to have found another healthy rice option.

Do you eat brown rice?  What type do you like?

Curried Cod, Lentils and Rice (1 serving)

4 1/2 oz  cod
2 tsp       extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp       chopped garlic
1/2 tsp    curry powder
1 tsp       ginger root
1 tsp       lemon juice
1 cup      raw spinach
1/4 cup   lentils
1/4 cup   cooked brown rice

Pan fry cod in olive oil on medium-high heat with garlic, curry powder, and ginger breaking up cod into pieces.  Add lemon juice, lentils, and cooked rice.  Stir in chopped spinach and leave on heat until spinach is wilted.  Serve and enjoy!


  1. I'll have to try the basmati brown rice as i also do not enjoy brown rice either! Your recipe looks delish!

  2. I really love all kinds of brown or wild rice. But this basmati rice was particularly good. And this recipe that you have on the end of the post is amazing! I could have eaten this for weeks! I am glad we are eating brown rice:)

  3. We grew up on brown rice, and I've always loved it!
    That dish looks amazing, though...I'm going to have to try it! I'm assuming the lentils are cooked first?

  4. I wish a grew up on more healthy choices. It's hard switching over as an adult I find. Yes, the lentils are cooked first. I hope you like it!
