
Monday, February 13, 2012

Onion Cough Syrup

This is such a great, simple cough and cold remedy.  I first discovered it on Vintage Savoir Faire, a fantastic blog I read.  A while back Brad had a nagging cough, which was the perfect time to try it out.  Onion is a common home remedy for a variety of ailments.  Onions are high in the anti-oxidant quercetin which boosts the immune system.  Also, it is also known to be an effective expellant of phlegm.  Onion is similar in its healing power to garlic, though more gentle.

Onion Cough Syrup
-1 small onion
-container with a lid

Peel and slice onion.  Make layers of onion and sugar inside the jar.  Cover with lid.

Allow to sit 6-8 hours.  Take a spoonful of the syrup as needed.

Brad thought it was a good remedy.  It tasted pretty bad, but not unbearable, like sweet onion.  It was easy to make and easy to take.  He said it felt very soothing when he took it, and it helped quickly with the cough.  The biggest downside was his breath afterwards, haha.  The downside from my point of view is that it takes 6-8 hours to make.  Also, I have read that sugar suppresses the immune system, and thus I wonder if it is hindering the healing process.  Perhaps honey would work in place of it.

How do you fight off a cough?


  1. do you think this could be made ahead of time and stored, maybe in the fridge?

    1. The original post I got this from said it could be kept in the fridge for 1-2 days. I am extremely lenient with expiry dates and would probably push it further myself.

  2. Great blog! Found you through pinterest.

    For coughs, I cut up a few onions and leave them overnight in a bowl near my bed. It's wonderful, especially for that nagging "lying down" cough. On the plus side, no sugar or onion breath!

    1. Wow, great remedy! I will be trying that out.

    2. Great idea! Filing that idea away. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I have seen this done when I lived in Mexico. I don't know if it will help with the taste or anything, but they used red onions... Loving you blog!! E.

  4. We use honey as a natural cough syrup.
