
Monday, November 14, 2011

Menu Making

As part of the Healthy Homemaking series I had done a post on meal planning.  To be completely honest, we have not kept up with it.   One way we thought we could make it more concrete was to make a menu to display in the kitchen.  After seeing ideas on Pinterest, this is what we made.  It's so quick and simple, plus we didn't have to buy a single thing.

What you need:
-picture frame with glass
-paint (optional)
-dry erase pen

1. Cut paper to required dimensions to fit inside frame.
2. Print title and days of the week onto paper either through a computer printer or by hand.
3. Paint frame if desired.
4. Put paper in frame.
5. Write on glass with a dry erase marker.

While going through and getting rid of most of our possessions, we found a few unused picture frames, so this was as great opportunity to repurpose one.  The paper is leftover from when I used to make cards and scrapbook.  The frame was originally black, which I didn't think suited our style or house, so Brad painted it brown with acrylic paint.

We still work hard to meal plan each week, but having the menu sitting in the kitchen staring at me makes me think about it and helps me remember to do it.

Do you meal plan?  What strategies to do you use?


  1. I can't meal plan to save my life! If I know what I'm eating at 2pm for supper, I'm ahead of the game!

  2. Awesome idea grace!! Im definitly going to try this soon!

  3. I meal plan, but usually I go through my cupboards, or freezer or recipe box and do up like 3 weeks at a time. This actually is easier for me than doing it every week. I write it out and then put it on my fridge. I tear off the paper when I am done each week, so I don't have such a big piece on there the whole time :)
    I love your menu board Grace! Also, I would like your empanada recipe! Can you message it to me on FB or email? Thanks!

  4. i love that taquitos are on the list :-)

  5. I saw this idea on pinterest too, and made one. We use ours as a communication board for things we need to remember about our son, such as what time he last had medicine, or if he already had a treat for the day.

    I love your menu one!

  6. Great idea! I saw your post on food waste and I think meal plannings helps eliminate a lot of that. I notice that we just grab new things if we're not planning, rather than eating leftovers or using something that's about to go if we don't plan.
