
Friday, October 21, 2011

Healthy Homemaking Series: Congratulations!

We have voyaged all the way through Stephanie Langford's Healthy Homemaking.  I know that many positive changes towards a more natural, nutritious, and sustainable lifestyle have been made in my life.  I hope that some have taken place for you as well.  Thank you so much for joining me on this journey.

If you're interested in having the book yourself to work through or for reference and more resources, you can purchase it from her blog's website, Keeper of the Home, there are digital copies or paperbacks to choose from.

Now where shall we go from here?  I would love to hear from YOU!

What are you particularly interested in reading more about?

PS - If you are looking for something to do, here is a simple, quick quiz you can take to size up your environmental impact -  Measure Your Eco-Footprint.


  1. i think you should look into the food industry and start to bringing a little more light to it! more organic and free range options :)

  2. eco-friendly christmas! i have a ton of ideas that are much better suited for your blog than mine. we'll talk :-)
