
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Say Goodbye to Sneezing

Spring has sprung and so has allergy season.  I suffer from seasonal allergies (along with many non seasonal ones).  When I had my skin prick allergy testing done, my arms looked like something out of a horror movie.  Unfortunately I am allergic to every grass and tree in our area, but I digress.  All my life I have spent February to October taking daily pills or eye drops or nasal sprays and so on in hopes of alleviating my allergy symptoms, and even that didn't completely eliminate them.  While browsing around Saje one day I came across the Allergy Release Soothing Face and Body Mist and thought that it could be my alternative.

It uses plant based essential oils to support your immune system and minimize allergy symptoms.  It can also be sprayed onto skin to treat rashes due to allergies.

I have yet to experience any allergy symptoms this season.  I was skeptical about the potency that this mist would have, but it is all I need.  At first I couldn't believe how effective it was, now I am just thrilled.  I spray the Allergy Release above my head and breathe it in every morning, and that's it!  I am also still using my nebulizer at night with the Immune Diffuser Blend, which I am sure helps as well.  If you are tired of taking allergy pills everyday to no avail, I highly recommend the Allergy Release product.


  1. problem is gunky eyes. Does it help that? Do you suffer from that to know? I also know that there is only 1 tree that I am not allergic to out of all on the prick test! And I'm allergic to all the grasses too :)Lucky us!

  2. Wow! How does this work? I wonder if it would work for anything other than seasonal allergies(i.e. dust mites, etc...)??

  3. The specific essential oils used are particularly good for supporting the immune system and minimizing allergy symptoms. I think it would be good for any type of allergy or similar respiratory symptoms.

  4. Where did you find this? I googled it with zero results :-)
