
Sunday, February 20, 2011

At-Home Spa

I am always looking for products to try to reduce the red bumps I get on my legs.  I'm not sure what they are or what causes them.  I've had them for years, and it sucks when I'm in shorts or a bathing suit.  My friend and I whipped up is the Spa-Style Salt Rub from EcoBeauty by Lauren Cox, and I am hoping the salt and exfoliation might help.

Spa-Style Salt Rub

2 c salt
1 c almond oil
2-3 drops essential oil (optional)

Add salt,

almond oil,

and essential oil (we used lavender).

Stir until it becomes a paste.

To use, massage a handful of paste into skin.  Rinse with warm water.  Do not use soap afterward as it will wash away the moisturizing oil.

I definitely like the way this rub feels and makes my skin feel.  Smooth and soft!  I haven't seen any improvement of the bumps on my legs yet, but I do only use the rub once a week.  For general application, I think the rub is great.  I'm thinking this is a good one to make up and give for presents.


  1. i'd take it!! did i mention my b'day is in june!! haha!

  2. I found your blog through Pinterest. Someone pinned your blackhead recipe (well removal recipe anyhow). Great blog! I subscribed to your email feed.

  3. That's awesome. Glad you enjoy it!

  4. I found you through Pinterest. Just wanted to say that those red bumps you have could be Keratosis Pilaris. I have it and it is VERY common. I have the bumps on my upper arms and thighs, and when I let it go long enough without "treating" it, it can spread to my lower legs and forearms. I actually have them on my belly too. Try using a lotion or body wash with Lactic Acid. Use it at least once a day every day (I use it at night) and the bumps will go away. If you stop using it then the bumps will slowly return. I have found it cheapest through Costco, where a 20+ oz bottle is only $16. Here is a link on amazon:

    Hope this helps!

  5. Thank you so much for the tip! I will definitely look into that.

  6. i think it's keratosis pilaris!
    i exfoliate and then use coconut oil as a lotion on my arms (my main area). it really helps.
    and there's this product:

  7. Hi there! I have this same condition. My dermatologist diagnosed me with Keratosis Pilaris this summer and prescribed me some lotion. Ammonium Lactate Lotion is the OTC brand. AmLactin is the rx brand. I exfoliate my thighs every single night with any kind of scrub such as above and rub on this lotion and within 4 days, it was all completely gone!!!! I used to be sooo self conscious of this, and now I wear my shorts freely! Hope this helps! :)

  8. Wow, thanks so much for the info. From the feedback I have been getting, it really does sound like it is keratosis pilaris. I will be trying these solutions out.

  9. My son has keratosis pilaris too. Our pediatrician recommends using Eucerin Plus Intensive Repair Body Creme or Eucerin Smoothing Essentials. The alpha hydroxy acids help remove the protein build-up around hair follicles that cause the bumps. Also, hot water in baths and vigorous scrubbing make it worse. So, you might want to avoid using scrubs until the bumps are better. It's an inherited skin condition but rarely ever causes any problems, it's just annoying. Sometimes it's called "chicken skin."

  10. A great (and inexpensive) cure for keratosis pilaris is dry brushing. Acne is clogged pores but keratosis pilaris is clogged hair follicles. Dry brushing with a good natural brush with stiff bristles not only cleans your skin, but it invigorates your blood circulation, helps reduce cellulite and makes you glow. To dry brush, start at the bottoms of your feet and work in small circular motions towards your heart. When you get to the top of your leg on the front, go back to the bottom and go up the back of your leg till you get to your buttock. Then your arms and stomach and back. Always small circular motions toward the heart. I try and keep all natural and I find this to be a great way to get rid of my kp naturally.

  11. I have KP on my upper arms and thighs. I do dry brush but more for circulatory reasons. Having tried various things over the years the most reliable (and easiest) cure I have found is any body lotion with urea in it (sounds gross but that's what was recommended to me and it works). Eucerin Plus Intensive Repair Body Creme like Anonymous mentioned is what I'm using right now but I've also used a CVS brand generic (that contained urea) and that worked just as well. It's a little expensive but a little bit goes a long way (since it's a problem at the surface of your skin you don't need to worry about really working it in). I also make sure to put a little extra time and pressure into loofah-ing those areas while in the shower. As long as I keep this up I have zero problems but I do notice that if I miss a few days (I don't really like the feeling of the lotion on my hands, it's a bit heavy, so sometimes I get a bit lazy about it) the KP comes back.
