
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It's Gonna Be a Bright Sun-Shiny Day

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I had been using the herbal highlighting shampoo.  I noticed a bit of a difference in my hair, but I wanted even more.  I looked through my books and even on the internet, but I couldn't find one that used the ingredients I wanted and clearly described its usage.  And thus, I made up my own!  All of this is done right after regular shampooing.

Highlighting Hair Rinse

I've moved to a new website! Head on over to Heartful Habits for the natural highlighting hair rinse recipe. Thanks!


  1. It looks gorgeous. No idea if it's lighter, but it is gorgeous!! Of course so are you.

  2. you can always use walnut leaves or green peels infusion for a dark highlight. and coffee is good, I just don't know if it highlights or just helps hair shine.

  3. Very cool! Thank you. I never knew about those ones.

  4. Awesome! I stopped highlighting my hair about a year ago and I planned on using peroxide or lemon juice instead this summer. This sounds good too. :)

    1. ditto, no chemicals on my hair for a year now and loving my natural color, looking to highlight naturally this summer with lemon juice as well, just wonder if being on the gulf of mexico if the sun here will react too much with the acid in the lemon juice in my hair, we have intense sun!

  5. I used to do this all the time as a teen! Thanks for linking this to Your Green Resource.
